BEIRUT Martin Prado World Baseball Classic Jersey , May 30 (Xinhua) -- Despite they had suffered in their war-torn country, Syrians displaced to Lebanon face another kind of misery represented by the inability of about 400,000 children among them to continue their normal education program.
The 400,000 children refugees now in Lebanon represent a lost generation; many of them have been prevented from having education for three years. Poverty is not their only constraint. Until recently Martin Perez World Baseball Classic Jersey , enrolling Syrian refugees in Lebanese schools was close to be impossible, and getting any form of education at all was almost as difficult.
According to the Lebanese ministry of education around 90,000 Syrian students have been registered and enrolled in Lebanese governmental schools. This step has been taken after enormous efforts that included organizing evening study courses to accommodate more students. But more 300,000 Syrian students are searching for other substitutes other than the governmental schools.
The United Nations Higher Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) said children who have fled Syria to Lebanon despite their suffering Leonel Campos World Baseball Classic Jersey , have an amazing ability to recover and heal. They want to learn and they want a better future.
However, private education in Lebanon is expensive somehow and the majority of the Syrian families cannot afford to provide that type of education to their children.
Some aid organizations are trying to establish affiliated schools in areas where the density of Syrian refugees, like in Beirut and the Bekaa eastern region, at least to accommodate children who are still in their primary education.
The provision of education in general and the education for the students in the secondary stage in particular Jose Castillo World Baseball Classic Jersey , is a huge problem that needs to be solved. On one side, the number of schools to accommodate Syrian students who want to join the primary education in Lebanon is not enough, and on the other side, as much as the crisis in their homeland gets more complicated Jose Alvarez World Baseball Classic Jersey , the problem gets bigger for those who want to continue their education in the secondary stages.
The Lebanese curricula differ from the Syrian one. It is difficult for those who started their education in Syrian schools to continue their secondary education in Lebanese schools, especially that teaching subjects like math and sciences are often in English or French in the Lebanese schools, unlike in Syrian schools where they are taught in Arabic which constitutes another obstacle for the Syrian students.
A temporary solution has been found which is a two-shift system of teaching, a morning one and an evening one Jose Alvarado World Baseball Classic Jersey , to allow more Syrian children to continue their education. This solution has been applied in the eastern Bekaa border town of Arsal last year and it is going to be implemented across the country in November.
The program is carried out by the Lebanese Ministry of Education and supported by the UN High Commission for Refugees.
In the Mount Lebanon town of Baysour, the public secondary school headmaster Mazen Malaeb told Xinhua that the school's administration decided to apply the two-shift system to be able to accommodate more Syrian students.