Just created a drawing from a trace. It's a willow tree, with about eleventy bazillion nodes (1200 or so). Importing into Sheetcam keeps giving me a "may be a problem with the drawing" red warning. Typically, I've found these to be lines that aren't closed, paths too close together for the kerf, an untrimmed line somewhere, or areas where a line has "looped back" on itself. The "too narrow for kerf" issues are pretty easy to find. I look in sheetcam for areas of disconnected tool paths. I check for "lines not closed" in Coreldraw, using the node editing tool. As long as there's only 1 "triangle" node marker on the perimeter of the drawing, the drawing is closed. If there is more than one triange, I merge them together. So, still not too bad. This "line looped back onitself" thing, and untrimmed lines...though...these are kicking my arse. Big ones are obvious, but trying to search for tiny little blemishes are taking FOREVER. For the "short untrimmed lines", I'm looking for "stacked" node boxes in Corel. If I see a couple stacked, I zoom in on the area to trim up. I just haven't found a trick for the "looped lines", though.
Anyone have any suggestions?
Please help.
I didn't find the right solution from the internet.